Stationary Engines from the collection of the Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinery Society Inc

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Record 136/139
Copyright Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinery Society Inc
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Collection Royal New Zealand Air Force Station Woodbourne
Description 1 of 2: black, with a red base, very large Petters generator set - serial number 05 - model 2RA. Two cylinder, two stroke, 150 horse power, 800 RPM. Used as part of the emergency system at Woodbourne Airbase, Blenheim. Has a large fly wheel, then an alternator which produces alternating current, then a generator which produces direct current. Crompton, Parkinson of England are the manufacturers. Is air started by a compressor (has no batteries) and needs 200 PSI (pounds per square inch) pressure before the motor will start.

Donated about 1976, by an unknown donor, in a dismantled condition. Re-assembled by Ian Le Grice and other members of VFM and put on display.

The large switchboard behind it, with the many gauges, copes with two separate altenators simultaneously and goes with this generator as well as VFM549 (see images 8-11).

Thought to have been owned by Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinery Society Inc. in 2011, but first belonged to MHS as the following minutes show: MHS minute book 8, page 45, dated 26/5/1980, "Reports, Beavertown: Mr. Brayshaw reported .... The Petter diesels, standby power plants ex Woodbourne, and remaining gear will be brought down tomorrow." MHS minute book 8, page 49, dated 30/6/1980, "Reports, Beavertown: "Another large building will eventually house the Petter diesels from Woodbourne and other electrical gear; ...."
18/09/2012, Jenny Pierson: It is planned to accession and then deaccession these objects into and out of the MHS Collection, then gift them back to the Vintage Farm Machinery Society in November 2012.

Accepted for deaccessioning at MHS Committee meeting 24 October 2012. Although they are Marlborough objects, they are better suited to the Vintage Farm Machinery Society Inc. collection rather than the Marlborough Museum collection and are to be offered back to VFM.
12 December 2012

Hello, it has come to our attention, as we have been researching the documentation of the collections that belong to the Marlborough Historical Society, that there are some outstanding issues for discussion that relate to collection items that you currently care for.

We have been working hard in recent years to document, as well as we are able, the items of Marlborough heritage that we have been entrusted by the community to hold for the people of Marlborough. This has not always been done to the standard that we now aspire to, therefore, we have some catching up to do and we hope that we can work with you to ensure that this is resolved and put on the record.

We now have documentation that will be of interest to you relating to:

Item: Two Petter diesel generators and electrical gear ex Woodbourne

Explanation: It appears they were originally donated to MHS for Beavertown:
From Marlborough Historical Society Inc. minute book 8, page 45, dated 26/5/1980, "Reports, Beavertown: Mr. Brayshaw reported .... The Petter diesels, standby power plants ex Woodbourne, and remaining gear will be brought down tomorrow." MHS minute book 8, page 49, dated 30/6/1980, "Reports, Beavertown: "Another large building will eventually house the Petter diesels from Woodbourne and other electrical gear; ...."

MHS collection item number: 1980.002.0001 & 1980.002.0002
Current location: Vintage Farm Park Shed V
VFM collection item number: VFM0.800.0334 & VFM0.800.0335

We acknowledge that your organisation has cared for these items for some time and that in some cases successful restoration has been carried out. We recognize the hard work of your organisation and members. Nevertheless, we are endeavouring to formalise the current situation, and we want to do this maintaining good overall relationships within the heritage community of Marlborough. We share many goals in common which we wish to retain well into the future.

Therefore, we have agreed that as your society has the best facility for housing and displaying these items we would be willing to de-accession them from our collection so they can retain their Vintage Farm Machinery Society catalogue numbers as above.

Attached are the two MHS catalogue records showing these items have been de-accessioned and are being offered back to your society.

We would appreciate acknowledgement of your acceptance or otherwise as soon as possible. We understand that you may have further documentation relating to ownership which we would be happy to review. But our records currently show proof of ownership is not in doubt. This is our reason for trying to resolve the issue with you without creating unnecessary disruption.

If you have any concerns or questions please reply within 30 days.

Kind regards,

Dale Webb
For the Committee of the Marlborough Historical Society Inc.
Letter received from Marlborough Vintage and Farm Machinery Society (Incorporated), John Neal Hon. Secretary, dated 11 February 2013.

"Thank you for Laurie's letter of 12 December regarding legal ownership and custody of the above items. We very much appreciate your effort and care taken to establish the true ownership of items at Brayshaw Park and to maintain all records to a very high standard.

The Marlborough Vintage and Farm Machinery Society Inc. has considered your offer to transfer legal ownership to them of the two engines, their generators and associated electrical equipment and is happy both to take legal ownership and to agree to continue displaying (and running) them in our premises."
The Petter engines having been deaccessioned will now be re-accessioned as VFM0.800.0334 and VFM0.800.0335 (Jenny Pierson 05/03/2013).
Object ID 1980.002.0001
Object Name Generator
Other # VFM548
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinery Society Inc"

When ordering images from the Museum, please quote the Object ID for each image required.
Last modified on: December 15, 2014