Feathers and Fur

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Record 32/36
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection Smith
Description A silver fox fur stole (as written on accession form). Dark brown fox stole consisting of head and two bodies and tails. Fully lined, held in place by a cord and hook.

This dark brown fox fur stole is being attributed to the Smith donation because the image shows what could be construed as a silve fox fur, the only one on PastPerfect.

Object ID 1996.122.0002
Object Name Stole
Other # T4886
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc"

When ordering images from the Museum, please quote the Object ID for each image required.     info@marlboroughmuseum.org.nz
Last modified on: December 19, 2014