Marlborough Museum Collection of Gold Mining Objects and Photographs
Greensill & Co. General Store, Cullensville.

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Record 21/33
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (Unaccessioned) Photographs
Description A laminated onto cardboard copy of a photograph: Greensill and Company's store in 1898. There is nothing written on the back.

A label made for the 1997 gold mining display, source, date of writing and author unknown, is as follows: "Greensill & Co. General Store and gold buying depot, Cullensville 1898. This store was built and owned by Mr. J.A.R. Greensill with James Fuller as the manager."

This photograph is reproduced on page 239 of Mike Johnston's book, Gold in a Tin Dish, Volume 2, The history of the eastern Marlborough goldfields, published 1993 by Nikau Press, where he captions it: "Greensill and Company's store at the northern end of Cullensville, close to the Grand National Hotel. (Marlborough Historical Society)
Year Range from 1898
Object ID 0000.900.0768
Object Name Photograph
People Fuller, James
Greensill, John Abraham Roberts
Title Greensill & Co. General Store, Cullensville.
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc"

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Last modified on: December 19, 2014