Record 19/33
A laminated onto cardboard copy of a photograph: The National Bank, Cullensville. There is nothing written on the back.
This photograph is reproduced on page 212 of Mike Johnston's book, Gold in a Tin Dish, Volume 2, The history of the eastern Marlborough goldfields, published 1993 by Nikau Press, where he captions it: "The only bank to open an agency at Cullensville was the National. The photograph was taken in March 1890, soon after the bank moved into its new premises on the west side of Allen Street, which the National shared with Arthur Litchfield. (Tyree Collection, Nelson Provincial Museum)."
Photographer could be either Frederick (born 1867) or William Tyree. William operated from Trafalgar Street, Nelson from 1878. Tyree brothers worked from the Trafalgar Street premises up to 1888. William continued there and Frederick operated from Takaka from 1889 [Source: Cyclopedia of New Zealand, volume 5, published 1906]. |
National Bank, Cullensville, 1890
- Marlborough Museum Collection of Gold Mining Objects and Photographs
- Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc"