Marlborough Museum Collection of Gold Mining Objects and Photographs
Wakamarina Gorge Claim

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Record 14/33
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (Unaccessioned) Photographs
Photographer Tyree
Description A laminated onto cardboard copy of a photograph: Wakamarina Gorge Claim. Written on the back of the photograph is: "Wakamarina Gorge, Tyree Collection, Nelson Provincial Library. Ref. No. 1338." "Tyree Photo 1338" is written on the front of the photograph.

Photographer could be either Frederick (born 1867) or William Tyree. William operated from Trafalgar Street, Nelson from 1878. Tyree brothers worked from the Trafalgar Street premises up to 1888. William continued there and Frederick operated from Takaka from 1889 [Source: Cyclopedia of New Zealand, volume 5, published 1906].

This photograph is reproduced on page 383 of Mike Johnston's book, Gold in a Tin Dish, Volume 1, The history of the Wakamarina Goldfield, published 1992 by Nikau Press, where he captions it: "Pumps and other gear, including a boiler, at the lower end of the Wakamarina Gorge about 1890. Between the remains of the tail dam (foreground) and the pumps is the No. 3 paddock. (Tyree Collection, Nelson Provincial Museum)."
Year Range from 1889
Year range to 1891
Object ID 0000.900.0761
Object Name Photograph
Title Wakamarina Gorge Claim
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc"

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Last modified on: December 19, 2014