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Record 1/33
A laminated onto cardboard copy of a dance ticket: "The Theatre Royal, Cullensville, Friday, 21st March, 1890. A BALL will take place as above, Dancing to commence at 9 p.m. Efficient Music and M.C. DOUBLE TICKET 7s 6d, to include Supper at 12 p.m. at the Grand National Hotel. No. 6. W.A. Collins, Hon. Sec." This photograph is reproduced on page 215 of Mike Johnston's book, Gold in a Tin Dish, Volume 2, The history of the eastern Marlborough goldfields, published 1993 by Nikau Press, where he captions it: "Ticket No. 6 to a ball at the Theatre Royal on 21 March 1890. Patrons had to walk across the road to the Grand National Hotel for supper. (Marlborough Historical Society)
Ticket -Marlborough Museum Collection of Gold Mining Objects and Photographs -Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc

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Last modified on: December 19, 2014