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Record 39/39
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS Art
Date c.1841
Description 2 of 2: Framed coloured etching of Adam Jackson (1816-1892), husband of the artist Allis Sidebotham. Adam Jackson married Allis Sidebotham in 1841, this etching possibly made at the time of their marriage. Or maybe when they emigrated to New Zealand in November 1841. On the back is a label with: J.C. Grundy, Carver, gilder and printseller to the Queen, Repository of Arts, 4 Exchange Street, Manchester [England].

Year Range from 1840
Year range to 1850
Object ID 2000.124.0004
Object Name Engraving
People Jackson, Allis (nee Sidebotham)
Sidebotham, Allis (later Jackson)
Jackson, Adam
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014