Record 31/39
Image 1 of 4
White linen chemise/shift from the Adams family of Langley Dale. The neckline and armhole trimmed with a double strip of broderie anglaise lace with a scalloped outside edge. The chemise has a concealed placket which is fastened with 2 small material buttons. The garment is completely hand stitched and beautifully made with French seams. Line/plain weave. A small tag is attached to the hem line which reads "L.R.Adams". Excellent condition, with some rust marks.
Object is third on the left in image 4.
Because of the attached note this object has been added to Miss Lindsay Adams's donation of unnamed clothing.
- Pioneer Threads
- Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc"