Record 29/39
Image 8 of 10
Infant's christening gown of tambour lace.
The bodice consists of five pieces - the net is joined together and embroidered over. The gown is opened down centre back. There are not any fastenings left - and there is no sign of ties having been removed.
The skirt is made from one piece of net and is joined centre back. In the front heavily embroidered tambour work design flows from the bodice to the scalloped hem. The rest of the skirt has stylised flowers/leaves every 5/6 cm. The hem is scalloped and embroidered.
The sleeves are also very heavily embroidered with stylised flowers and leaves.
There is an attached, undated, note, writen by Peg Corskie, the donor: "This christening gown belonged to Mrs. (W?) Murray of Cubitt Street, Blenheim, retired widow. She gave it to Peg and Pat Corskie for Alan's baptism 39 years ago.
Mrs. Murray and her husband used to farm in the Pelorus-Havelock area (see conversation with Beryl Roberston, below) I understand. She is buried in the Havelock cemetery and was a loyal supporter of St. Andrew's Church, Blenheim. She was born in Scotland and she and her husband had no family of their own.
The gown would be well over 100 years old." (See notes)
Pam Saunders has added: Peg told me that Mrs. Murray brought the gown from Scotland when she came out with her husband (see notes).
Jenny Pierson, conversation with Beryl Robertson 4 November 2010: She knew Mrs. Murray for a long time before she died. Beryl thinks Mrs. Murray was a war bride, re World War One, but doesn't know if she was married before coming to New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murray lived at Canvastown. Mrs. Murray had a sister, also deceased, who was Mrs. George Harvey. Mrs. Harvey was older than Mrs. Murray (see notes).
6 April 2011, email Steve Austin to Jenny Pierson: Frances Ryman of Tuahiwi near Christchurch, historian and former antique dealer, when visiting the exhibition in November 2010 says that this christening gown was manufactured c.1850. |
Gown, Christening
- Pioneer Threads
- Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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