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Record 3/39
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (Unaccessioned) Textiles
Date c.1860
Description Girl's white cotton frock with whitework panels of broderie anglaise. Found in collection in 2010 by Textiles manager, Pam Saunders, with no donor information.

Construction details:
Fine lawn woven in plain weave. Bodice. The front panel of the frock is made up of strips of broderie anglaise (3cm/4.5cm) joined together with pintucking as part of the detail and overstitched with featherstitch. A frill of broderie anglaise with scalloped edge reaches from each side of the front panel, around the neckline, and finishes centre back. The frock is handstitched. The neckline is outlined with machine lace (1.5cm) and has a tape which ties centre back. The frock has a back opening of 26cm and has one bone button mid bodice, otherwise is fastened by the adjusting tapes. The fine lawn sleeves are set in with gathered detail at the top, three lines of pintucking above the wrist, and the sleeve is finished with the same fine lace as at the neck. The sleeves are drawn in at the wrist by means of a fine tape which could be adjusted to the child's size.

Skirt. The frock has another tape at the waistline which is joined at either side of the front panel and would give adjustment once again to the size of the child. The remainder of the skirt is made from fine lawn with seven rows of pintucking at the bottom and is finished with a scalloped strip of the broderie anglaise.

Frances Ryman of Tuahiwi near Christchurch, historian and former antique dealer, when visiting the exhibition in November 2010 says this dress was manufactured c.1860 and that it is the earliest example of machine made lace, made at a time when lace was produced on a roller like that used for automatically playing a piano.
Year Range from 1855
Year range to 1865
Object ID 0000.600.0269
Object Name Dress
Other # T4485
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014