Flaxbourne Settlers Association Collection of Objects and Photographs

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Record 55/397
Copyright Flaxbourne Settlers Association
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Collection FSA (unaccessioned) General
Description White 50 pound flour bag from "Redwood Bros. Ltd. Special Household Roller Flour, Blenheim."
Bags of flour like this were used extensively until about 1955. The Redwood Brother's Flour Mill was originally located at Spring Creek in1881 [however, see below for an earlier date, with source]. They later rebuilt at Park Terrace, Blenheim in 1905.

"Another very interesting Spring Creek settler - though not a particularly early one - was Henry Redwood Junior, who took up the well-known property there, established a flour mill (about 1865), and acquired such a reputation on the race track with his horses as to entitle him to be known from one end of New Zealand to the other as the "Father of the New Zealand Turf." He imported, also, one of the first steam ploughs to be used in the colony, and was well to the fore in the introduction of other agricultural machinery." [Source: Pages from the Past, page 257, by C.A. MacDonald, published by H. Duckworth (E.H. Penny & Co.), Blenheim, no date, but forward by C.A, MacDonald is dated February 1933.]
Object ID FSA0.800.0039
Object Name Bag
People Redwood, Henry (Junior)
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Last modified on: January 16, 2015