Edwin Fox Society Collection of Objects and Photographs

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Record 92/112
Copyright Edwin Fox Society Inc
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Collection Coaltown
Description Wooden picture frame and painting. Frame made from teak from the Edwin Fox.

In March 2003, Phillippa Evans, Hon. Secretary of Edwin Fox Society Incorporated, wrote to Mr. Stuart, ".... a painting in an Edwin Fox teak frame ...... This has been in storage at the Centre and unfortunately the painting has been damaged, I think by silverfish. We will be disgarding the painting and keeping the frame unless you would like both or either returned to you."

Mr. Stuart replied (undated), "I donated the painting and frame to you, so I do not wish to have them returned."
Object ID EFS2000.005.0001
Object Name Painting
When using this image please quote "Images courtesy of Edwin Fox Society Inc".

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Last modified on: January 22, 2015