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Brownlee traction engine. Reputedly the oldest traction engine remaining in New Zealand. It was dug out of a creekbed at Linkwater where it was three quarters covered by gravel. The boiler number, when matched with maintenance information, shows it was in the possession of Brownlees of Havelock. They probably purchased it as new from England. It is said to have been landed at Lyttelton and driven cross-country to Havelock in the 1880s. The owner, John Fell, a local engineer, has lent it to the Blenheim Riverside Railway Society [BRRS] on long-term loan so it can be preserved. Parts of other engines have been put in it to make it complete and it has been given several coats of paint. It is not a genuine traction engine anymore and it doesn't run. At the end of 2011 it was put on permanent display in Brayshaw Heritage Park where it has proved very popular with children.
It is similar to the Burrell traction engine in photographs VFM0.900.0093.
Engine, Steam-traction
- Blenheim Riverside Railway Society
- Copyright Blenheim Riverside Railway Society
When using this image please quote "Images courtesy of Marlborough Vintage Car Club and Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinary Inc.