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A grey, Caterpillar Fifteen - serial number 1732. Made by Caterpillar Tractor Company in America in 1929 according to the date written on the side of the crawler. Made in 1930 according to the note hanging on the front of the crawler. Starts with a crank handle. Straight petrol engine. Used on Bernard Kennington's farm at Seddon and in the Grassmere area. Donated on 8 May 1985 by Bernard Kennington of Grassmere Road, Seddon. Telephone conversation between Stuart Kennington and Jenny Pierson on 25 September 2008: This Caterpiller Fifteen was originally owned by the Neal family of Lucknow at Tetley Brook, Seddon. Ranji Neal married a Kennington and when he took over the farm from his father he bought a new tractor and sold this one to his brother-in-law Bernard Kennington Senior. This was in the late 1940s early 1950s. Bernard Kennington senior was a brother of Bert Kennington, father of Stuart Kennington.
Tractor, Crawler -Tractors and Crawlers from the collection of the Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinery Society Inc -Copyright Marlborough Vintage Farm Machinery Inc

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Last modified on: December 15, 2014