Kelleria villosa
Kelleria villosa
Celmsia sessiliflora
Celmsia sessiliflora
Euphrasia Zealandica
Euphrasia Zealandica
Prasophyllum colensoi
Prasophyllum colensoi
Myosotis drucei
Myosotis drucei
Haastia pulvinaris
Haastia pulvinaris
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High Country Plants

An exhibit featuring digital images of scenery and native plants taken by Brenda Oldfield around Black Birch and Sawcut Gorge and Woodside Creek on the weekend of 1st to 3rd February 2014.

Click on 'Start Exhibit' above to begin a guided tour, or click on an image to the left to go directly to that record, or click on 'Table of Contents' above for a list of all records in the exhibit.

When ordering images from the Museum, please quote the Object ID for each image required.