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Record 44/83
Copied from an original photograph taken by J.R. Akersten. Brownlee's mill, Carluke - hauling timber to Pelorus, 1 December 1911. One of Brownlee & Co's locomotives on the Rimu Gully Baukway bringing timber down to Blackball. The boarding house is in the centre of the photograph and the mill to the right. Mount Ronga is in the distance behind the house. Written on the front of the Photograph is, "No.8? Brownlees Mill Carluke "Hauling timber to Pelorus". Protected. 1/12/11. "Akersten" Photo." Copied by Norm Brayshaw in 1963 from a photograph supplied by J.H. Brownlee, Havelock. Four copies. A scan of this photograph is to be used in the Changing European History Gallery 2 display in commemoration of the Marlborough Provincial 150th anniversary on 1 November 2009. ................................................................................................................................................................................Caption 45 Sawn timber on its way to Blackball, from Brownlee's sawmill at Carluke, Rai Valley. Brownlee built solid embankments, and sturdy bridges for his timber railway. He used the same 3'6" (1067 mm) rail gauge that N.Z. Railways had adopted. The N.Z. Railways had assured Brownlee that they would buy up his timber line when he ceased operations, and use it as part of the proposed link right through to Nelson. That line never eventuated. 2008.165.0149
Brownlees Mill, Carluke - hauling timber to Pelorus -Photographs of Marlborough 1859-1909 -Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc

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Last modified on: December 19, 2014