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Record 24/83
A black and white photograph showing flood water surrounding the Blenheim Post Office in Market Square (or Place). There are horse drawn vehicles and groups of people walking around. The back of the photograph is stamped in blue with the words, "Marlborough Historical Society". An unknown hand has written "Box 533". 23/B/11 on the back of the photograph. A scan of this photograph is to be used in the Changing European History Gallery 2 display in commemoration of the Marlborough Provincial 150th anniversary on 1 November 2009. ................................................................................................................................................................................ Caption 25 Market Place, and yet another undated flood photograph. The new Post Office and Government Offices building (completed in 1878) dominate the floodwaters. Foolhardy males stand about, while the womenfolk present are sensible enough to ride in a cart, and keep their long dresses dry. We can understand why it was that so many Blenheim shops had raised floors with two or three steps leading up into their premises. 2009.067.0027
Flood Water Surrounds the Blenheim Post Office -Photographs of Marlborough 1859-1909 -Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc

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Last modified on: December 19, 2014