Marlborough Museum Collection of Textiles

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Record 286/334
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (Unaccessioned) Textiles
Description Girl's white cotton petticoat with bobbin lace trim. The donor and country of origin are unknown.

Construction details:
Made in plain weave. The bodice is sleeveless with a scooped neckline with back opening (26cm). Back opening is fastened with tape tie at neck and waist. The neckline and armholes are trimmed with 0.5cm machine bobbin lace. The skirt is made from two pieces of material and has an insertion of bobbin lace (4.5cm) then three lines of pintucking and the hemline is trimmed with scalloped bobbin lace (2.5cm). Torchon lace. Spiders and talleys filled in with cloth stitch. Torchon lace makers were allowed to wear this lace, but not more complicated lace.

Torchon bobbin lace is characterized by an edge in the shape of a fan. It is a continuous lace, with the pattern made at the same time as the ground (source: The Creation Decoration and wikipedia on the internet).

Object ID 0000.600.0267
Object Name Petticoat
Other # T4487
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014