Marlborough Museum Collection of Textiles

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Record 283/334
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (Unaccessioned) Textiles
Description Whitework lace collection of 6 pieces of Bobbin lace.

a. Strip of bobbin lace - 240cm x 2cm. Torchon lace with spiders and half stitch to make patterns.

b. Strip of bobbin lace - 80cm x 8.5cm.Torchon lace with started braids with talleys making leaves.

Torchon bobbin lace is characterized by an edge in the shape of a fan. It is a continuous lace, with the pattern made at the same time as the ground (source: The Creation Decoration and wikipedia on the internet).

c. Jabot - bobbin lace gathered onto white satin ribbon 67cm long - designed in two layers to form small frill in front of wearer's neck, 18cm x 18cm.

d. Collar - bobbin lace.

e. Handkerchief - deep bobbin lace edge of 9cm surrounding silk square.

f. Collar of bobbin lace - 75cm outer edge.

This panel of lace work measures 92cm x 81cm.

Object ID 0000.600.0264
Object Name Lace
Other # T4497
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014