Collection |
MHS (unaccessioned) Textiles |
Description |
Table cover of wool and braid in red, cream and black. Made in a multi-patterned, chevron, geometrical pattern. Felted wool possibly from army uniform offcuts. G design on four sides, each corner has a design like a compass point. Inner square has stylised diamonds then wheel shape. Centre square stylised stars. Shapes are outlined with flat braid. Hand stitched. Most likely made by invalids who had served in the military, as a rehabilitation activity. Made by veterans of the Boer War, or World War 1. Donated to MHS from the Salvation army shop.
Objects from the Salvation Army shop donated in accession records 1995.025 and 1999.112 include table cloths, one of which could be this table cover.
The images show Textile number 4247 which is incorrect. Textiles Manager, Pam Saunders, is on the right in image 4. |
Object ID |
0000.600.0246 |
Object Name |
Throw, Table |
Other # |
T4253 |