Marlborough Museum Collection of Textiles
Cap, Forage

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Record 103/334
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (unaccessioned) Textiles
Description Air force blue serge Field Service cap. No maker's label, but there is a label inside which says, R.N.Z.A.F., size (unreadable). Written on this label in blue ink is, "819. THOMAS, A.H."

When the cap was removed it had an airforce eagle insignia attached to the left side front. The eagle probably belongs on the front of an officer's flat cap. The eagle has been removed and returned to the Textile's badge cabinet and a RNZAF gold circular badge found in the cabinet been used instead. This insignia has a circle of leaves with a crown at the top and the letters in the middle.

There is no donor information with the cap.
Object ID 0000.600.0131
Object Name Cap, Forage
People Thomas, A.H.
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014