Marlborough Museum Collection of Textiles

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Record 84/334
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection MHS (unaccessioned) Textiles
Description Found in safe 11 July 2007 by Steve Austin: A red/gold/cream ornate ceremonial collar with Independent Order of Rechabites, Salford Unity, then a big logo/shield with the words, "Peace & Plenty the reward of Temperance" printed on the left-hand side (when being worn) and a logo with IOR Temperance/Fortitude/Justice in a triangle, then the words, "Past Chief Ruler" and another large logo below them, printed on the right-hand side (when being worn).
There is a 4.5cm heavy gold metal thread fringe around the whole collar with a large tassel of the same material.

10/03/2009: a piece of the fringe has become detached and has been returned to the home location. The rest of the collar is on display in a cabinet on the north wall in the wine exhibition.

The Rachabites/Rechabites Lodge/Friendly Society was an anti-drink/Temperance group.

Object ID 0000.600.0112
Object Name Collar
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014