Marlborough Museum Collection of Textiles
Runner, Table

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Record 64/334
Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection Mallett
Date 1916
Description Blue (silk?) souvenir of World War 1. Note from donor says, "In the 1980s I inherited a blue silk cloth embroidered with pictures of sphinx and pyramids of Egypt and as it had been folded and was showing signs of wear, I donated it to the museum (to my knowledge no accession form was made).
From family knowledge this item was brought back from World War 1 by Albert Gridley of Riverlands. He never married and this souvenir was framed and for many years hung in my grandparent's living-room in Riverlands. They were Walter and 'Lil' (Elizabeth) Holdaway, 'Lil' being Albert's sister.
In the early 1950s it came into my late father's possession as eldest son in the Holdaway family."
Object ID 2007.113.0001
Object Name Runner, Table
People Holdaway, Esther (later Mallett)
Mallett, Esther (nee Holdaway)
Gridley, Albert
Gridley, Elizabeth (Lil) (later Holdaway)
Holdaway, Elizabeth (Lil) (nee Gridley)
Holdaway, Walter
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Last modified on: December 19, 2014