Loma Twidle Album Sorted by Id#
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Id# Name Title Creator Place Date
2004.080.0003 Album, Photograph Loma Twidle Photograph Album Akersten, James Raglan    
2004.080.0006 Album, Photograph James Raglan Akersten     31 January 1906
2004.080.0007 Album, Photograph Havelock Football team 1911 Akersten, James Raglan Havelock 14 September 1911
2004.080.0008 Album, Photograph Hockey teams 1911 Akersten, James Raglan Havelock 8 September 1911
2004.080.0009 Album, Photograph Pipi Point, Pelorus Sounds Akersten, James Raglan Pelorus 21 October 1909
2004.080.0010 Album, Photograph Children's Easter Sports 1913 Akersten, James Raglan Havelock 24 March 1913
2004.080.0011 Album, Photograph Rangatira Hockey Club, Havelock Akersten, James Raglan Havelock 1912
2004.080.0012 Album, Photograph Pelorus Valley from Mount Takorika Akersten, James Raglan Havelock 9 May 1912
2004.080.0013 Album, Photograph The Staff at Brownlee's Blackball mill, Pelorus Akersten, James Raglan Pelorus 6 May 1910
2004.080.0014 Album, Photograph Nor-West Bay, Pelorus Sounds Akersten, James Raglan Pelorus 1 October 1911
2004.080.0015 Album, Photograph Pelorus Sounds Akersten, James Raglan Pelorus 5 February 1909
2004.080.0016 Album, Photograph Meeting of the waters Akersten, James Raglan Pelorus 15 October 1911
2004.080.0017 Album, Photograph Nelson and Mayo's slucing claim Akersten, James Raglan Wakamarina 15 December 1911
2004.080.0018 Album, Photograph Woodlea & Twidle family Akersten, James Raglan Havelock 31 December 1911
2004.080.0019 Album, Photograph Bunny Twidle at work Akersten, James Raglan Havelock  
2004.080.0020 Photograph Women's Hockey Team      
2004.080.0021 Photograph Three army men      

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