Decades of Marlborough Sorted by Date
To view a record, click on its Id#. To change the sort order click on the table heading.
Id# Name Title Creator Place Date
2009.067.0077 Photograph Laying Portable Railway Lines at the Salt Works   Ward/Grassmere  
2009.067.0085 Photograph Small Aircraft on a Back Country Run   Marlborough  
2009.067.0091 Photograph Whale Chaser with a New Catch      
2009.067.0092 Photograph Whale Chaser with Harpooner in Bow   Cook Strait  
2009.067.0065 Photograph Southern Cross and Crew at Woodbourne   Blenheim  
2009.067.0071 Photograph Opening of Ward Railway Station 1911   Ward 1911
2009.067.0080 Photograph Burnt Whare Hut on the Acheron River   Awatere/Molesworth 1920s
2009.067.0068 Photograph Mechanical Excavator on the South Island Main Trunk Railway Line   East Coast/Kekerangu/Blue Slip 1930s
2009.067.0070 Photograph Workers on the South Island Main Trunk Railway Line     1930s
2009.067.0081 Photograph Sheep Dusting     1950s
2009.067.0076 Photograph Salt harvest for 1959 at Grassmere Brayshaw, Norman Henry Ward/Grassmere 1959
2009.067.0079 Photograph Wool Wagons from Langridge Station c.1918   Awatere/Molesworth c.1918
2009.067.0088 Photograph Humpback Whale at Perano's Whaling Station Brayshaw, Norman Henry Queen Charlotte Sound/Tory Channel/Fishing Bay Copied 1959
2009.067.0089 Photograph Perano's Whaling Station in Tory Channel Brayshaw, Norman Henry Queen Charlotte Sound/Tory Channel/Fishing Bay Copied 1959
2009.067.0082 Photograph Molesworth Truck in the Acheron River Brayshaw, Norman Henry Awatere/Molesworth Copied 1960
2009.067.0086 Photograph Swiftsure Whale Boat in 1960 Brayshaw, Norman Henry Canterbury Copied 1960
2009.067.0075 Photograph Pick-up unit at Salt Works about 1960 Brayshaw, Norman Henry Ward/Grassmere Copied 1961
2009.067.0064 Photograph Southern Cross at Woodbourne Brayshaw, Norman Henry Blenheim Copied 1961
2009.067.0094 Photograph Rangatira Unloading Cars at Waitohi Wharf 1962 Brayshaw, Norman Henry Picton Copied 1962
2009.067.0066 Photograph Clearing a track for the railway line at Goose Bay Brayshaw, Norman Henry East Coast/Goose Bay Copied 1962
2009.067.0067 Photograph Assembling a Diesel Excavator Brayshaw, Norman Henry East Coast/Goose Bay Copied 1962
2009.067.0090 Photograph Humpback Whale Gunner in Cook Strait Brayshaw, Norman Henry Cook Strait Copied 1962
2009.067.0083 Photograph Drafting Cattle at Molesworth in 1960 Brayshaw, Norman Henry Awatere/Molesworth Copied 1966
2009.067.0084 Photograph Aerial Top Dressing at Kaituna Brayshaw, Norman Henry Marlborough/Kaituna Copied 1966
2009.067.0093 Photograph Ferry Aramoana at Picton Brayshaw, Norman Henry Picton Copied unknown
2009.067.0095 Photograph Aramoana and Tamahine at Waitohi Wharf Brayshaw, Norman Henry Picton Copied unknown
2009.067.0078 Photograph Old Molesworth Homestead   Awatere/Molesworth Copied unknown
2009.067.0087 Photograph Flensers Working on a Whale at Perano's Whaling Station Brayshaw, Norman Henry Queen Charlotte Sound/Tory Channel/Fishing Bay Copied unknown
2009.067.0069 Photograph Aniseed Village Camp late 1930s   Kaikoura/Aniseed late 1930s

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