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Record 29/29
A black and white photograph showing on the bottom half the Southern Cross aeroplane parked in a paddock at Woodbourne and on the top half signed pictures of the four crew members: H. A. Litchfield; C.T.P. Ulm; Charles Edward Kingsford Smith; T.H. McWilliam. There are a number of photographs of the Southern Cross in the MHS collections from a number of different donors. Without catalogue images of all of them it is impossible to say who might have donated this one, therefore, it has been catalogued here as 'found in collection'. A scan of this photograph will be used in the Changing European History Gallery 3 display in commemoration of the Marlborough Provincial 150th anniversary on 1 November 2009. ................................................................................................................................................................................Caption December 2009: The 1928 crew of the Southern Cross first flight and return across the Tasman Sea. From left: H.A. Litchfield (navigator); C.T.P. Ulm (co-pilot); Charles Kingsford Smith (Commander/pilot); T.H. McWilliams (radio). While at Woodbourne, the newly-formed Marlborough Aero Club made available to the crew a small courtesy aircraft. This was easily parked under one wing of the Southern Cross.
Southern Cross and Crew at Woodbourne -Marlborough Photographs from 1920 -Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc

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Last modified on: January 19, 2015