Marlborough Photographs from 1920
Ferry Aramoana at Picton

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Copyright Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc
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Collection Marlborough Province - down the decades from early days
Photographer Brayshaw, Norman Henry
Description A black and white photograph showing the ferry Aramoana arriving at the Picton purpose-built wharf. Aramoana made its first crossing of Cook Strait on 11 August 1962 [source: Archives. Hale Clear File Folders index, volume 2, page 149a].

This is a Norm Brayshaw copy, but the typed information on card has been separated or lost. There is no negative.

A scan of this photograph will be used in the Changing European History Gallery 3 display in commemoration of the Marlborough Provincial 150th anniversary on 1 November 2009.
Caption December 2009:
The Picton 'roll-on roll-off' terminal in 1962. The first ferry, Aramoana, is shown going astern to
berth, passing the 1912 Waitohi wharf.

A diesel locomotive can be seen waiting on the line, ready to cross the linkspan, and draw out the first rolling stock. Cars followed, descending on the curved ramp.

There was a one hour turnaround, between the ship's arrival, and its departure.

Year Range from 1962
Object ID 2009.067.0093
Object Name Photograph
Place Picton
Title Ferry Aramoana at Picton
When using this image please quote "Image courtesy of Marlborough Museum - Marlborough Historical Society Inc"

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Last modified on: January 19, 2015